What is this place? Why are we here? Where did it come from? What’s taken you so long? To answer those deep and meaningful existentialist questions in order, my blog, to agree with me, my brain and none of your business.

I’m British, and a complainer at heart, many people seem to find that amusing, others ask when my manifesto is coming out so they can vote me into power. That’s a bit extreme but what I’m getting at is that I have a very dry wit, a point to make, and some rather obscure interests. This blog is largely going to become my platform for venting such things, combining niche interests and superfluous bile into vaguely and occasionally coherent prose.

‘So what topics will you be covering?’ you may ask…. You may but I can’t guarantee you’ll get a reply. If you understand that misquoted reference to ‘Doctor Who: Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Part 2’, you are going to like it here. The bulk of the content here is going to be ‘Doctor Who’ related, but there will be some other surprises here and there to mix things up a bit.

So sit back, relax, and prepare to hear some quite colourful metaphors about geek culture as well as gaining an insight into the psyche of a potentially very troubled individual.

About Jon Carley

I've been studying Media Production and always on the look out for opportunities to build up my career. I have experience making films, animation, filming shows and writing. I'm a big fan of Doctor Who, which has greatly influenced my career direction.

One response »

  1. Neil says:

    Well isnt the internet a wonderfull place for all us Whovians to find each other. Having just discovered theres a search feature in wordpress, I search Dalek, look at a few and end up here 2 years in the past at the start on your blog. As time alows I will read through your posts and educate myself a bit on the figurines.

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